Building Trust and Understanding

Building Trust and Understanding
Principal's Blog Principal's Blog

I’ve long been a fan of Brené Brown. She has an uncanny ability to find just the right words to express what many of us feel. As I reflected on my arrival at UTS in August, my efforts to understand our school’s unique history, my excitement at working alongside remarkable students and staff, and my desire to support belonging for every member of our community, it didn’t surprise me to once again find wisdom in Dr. Brown.

She writes, “Empathy has no script. There is no right way or wrong way to do it. It’s simply listening, holding space, withholding judgement, emotionally connecting, and communicating that incredibly healing message of ‘you are not alone.’”

On Tuesday night we held an evening for parents and guardians to share their hopes and concerns with me and with one another. I am immensely grateful to be part of a community that can come together in the service of our children and our school. Such conversations are not easy but they are essential to fostering mutual understanding and clarity.

I worked to listen carefully to what was shared and took away many important messages. To our families, know that we are committed to building trust, communicating in ways that meet the needs of our parent community, and articulating clearly who we are as a school and what we stand for. 

Great things happen when we engage in true partnership and communication, grounded in mutual care and overarching concern for the well-being and success of our students and the school. I look forward to undertaking this work in partnership with you.

Read more of Dr. Foster's Blog


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Building Trust and Understanding