How to Apply

Start your application for the 2025-26 school year here!

In 1910, UTS first opened our doors. 
Now, we open them to you.

We ignite the brightest minds to make a difference in the world.

Thanks to the ongoing generosity of our school community, students can receive needs-based bursary support, covering anywhere from 5% to 100% of tuition costs. Plus, through our partnership with the University of Toronto, UTS students have access to a wealth of resources, including the university's libraries and athletic facilities, along with a wide range of learning opportunities.


The applicant’s citizenship must be one of:

  • Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Refugees who have arrived in Canada via immigration special programs AND do not require a permit or visa to study in Canada

AND the applicant is:

  • Living with a parent or legal guardian full time within the GTA for the entire time they are enrolled at UTS

If the applicant does not meet the above criteria but has been living with a parent and studying in Canada continuously for the past 3+ years, please contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected]. Eligibility is not guaranteed.

    International students are not eligible for admissions.


    Grade 7: around 96 new students
    Grade 8: no new enrolment
    Grade 9: around 22 new students
    Grade 10: up to 4 students, based on space
    Grade 11: up to 4 students, based on space
    Grade 12: no new enrolment  

    Application process

    Stage 1


    September 2024
    Application Portal opens 

    October 19, 2024
    Open House day.
    All applicants are encouraged to attend.

    November 1, 2024
    Early bird application deadline

    November 30, 2024
    UTS Test day. 
    All applicants must write the UTS Test. 
    UTS applications must be paid and completed in the Application Portal prior to writing the test.

    December 1, 2024
    Application portal closes.
    Bursary applications open on Apple Financial Services website.

    January 10, 2025
    Selected applicants are invited to proceed with Stage 2.

    Stage 2

    For selected applicants only

    January 13, 2025
    Bursary applications close on Apple Financial Services website.

    January 18, 2025
    UTS Interview Information Day 

    January 25, 2025
    Interviews and Group Task 

    February 21, 2025
    Stage 2 decisions are announced. Welcome to UTS! 

    Application Components

    Applications will be open from September to December of 2024.

    Applicants for grade 7 entry in the 2025-26 school year must be in grade 6.
    Applicants for grade 9 entry in the 2025-26 school year must be in grade 8.
    Applicants for grade 10 entry in the 2025-26 school year must be in grade 9.
    Applicants for grade 11 entry in the 2025-26 school year must be in grade 10.

    Students are not admitted into grade 8 or grade 12.

    Stage 1 components

    • Report cards from the previous three years
    • Interests and Activities List 
    • UTS Test written on November 30, 2024.
    • 2 teacher references, submitted confidentially using the Teacher Reference Form in the UTS Application Portal. This is only for students applying to grades 9, 10 and 11.
    • Additional documents (eg. Individual Education Plan, individual circumstances letter etc.) This is optional.

    Stage 2 components (for selected applicants only)

    • Interviews and Group Task at UTS (January 2025)
    • Current grade progress report
    Application Fees, Tuition and Bursary Support


    Application Fees

    The UTS Application Fee covers the cost of the application itself and the required UTS Test.

    • Early bird applications (November 1, 2024): $225 
    • Regular applications: $300 

    Waivers for the application fee are available to families needing financial assistance.
    The fee waiver request form is on the payment page of the Application Portal.


    Tuition and Enrollment Fees

    Tuition and enrollment fee information for the 2025-26 school year will be shared in January 2025.

    • Tuition for the 2024-25 school year: $35,800
    • One-time enrollment fee for 2024-25 new students: $8000


    Bursary Support

    Tuition support is available through our needs-based bursary program. Support from 5% to 100% of school fees is available. Families must apply through Apple Financial Services by January 13, 2025. 


    Learn more here


    UTS Admissions Statement on Access and Equity

    UTS welcomes all eligible students to apply. Our applicants bring their unique abilities and talents and a shared love of learning. We recognize that our applicants showcase these abilities in different ways. The UTS application process has evolved and will continue to evolve to best capture the individuality of our applicants. 

    On Gender

    While UTS was originally a boys school, an equal number of boys and girls were admitted starting in 1973. Since then, UTS has maintained a gender balanced incoming class of students. Recognizing the fluidity of gender, the office of admissions will work with families of non-binary and gender non-conforming students to ensure an equitable and inclusive application process. 

    On Diversity

    UTS proudly maintains a merit-based application process, and we encourage a diverse pool of applicants through outreach and through the support of the UTS community. UTS Admissions does not seek to fill diversity quotas, instead we encourage applicants from equity-deserving groups to self-identify in the application process.

    On Learning Needs

    If there are individual circumstances that you would like the admissions committee to be aware of while considering your child’s application, please include this information in the Individual Circumstances Letter. This may include information about a child’s attendance record, non-participation in paid or unpaid co-curricular activities, duties and responsibilities the child takes on outside of school, family circumstances that have impacted the child’s education and opportunities, or any other information you would like to share. 


    All application requirements and components are shared on the UTS Admissions website. These items, and only these items, will be considered in the application process. 

    Preparing for your application

    UTS Application Portal open in September 2024 and closes December 1, 2024. If you have any questions about the application components, please email [email protected] and we will be happy to assist you. 

    See what the UTS application looks like here

    The UTS Test

    The UTS Test is required of all applicants. It is written in person on Saturday, November 30, 2024.

    To register for the test, begin your UTS application here.

    To register for the UTS Test you must have completed your application here

    You will receive email confirmation upon completing the UTS application.
    Applicants requiring medical, religious, or accessibility accommodations should notify the Office of Admissions at [email protected] or 416-946-7088 at least 10 days before the test. 

    Each test is designed using Ontario grade-level curriculum expectations (eg. The test for grade 7 applications will contain content from grade 6 and below.) The tests are revised annually and may change in content and format at any time.

    Click here for important UTS Test resources and practice materials


    UTS Interviews and Group Tasks

    The Stage 2 UTS Interviews consist of a series of short, structured interview stations used to assess non-academic qualities including cultural sensitivity, maturity, teamwork, empathy, reliability and communication skills.

    Inspired by McMaster University’s Medical program, applicants rotate through five to six interview stations, responding to questions or scenarios. The process takes about an hour and the questions are designed to assess candidates’ ability to express themselves authentically and clearly while being able to share their own uniqueness and candidacy for UTS.

    The Group Task places five to six applicants together to work on a task. Applicants are not evaluated on the success of their task, but how they collaborate with each other.

    Preparing for the UTS Interview and Group Task

    UTS does not endorse nor participate with any outside companies in the business of preparing students for the UTS application process. UTS does not release test or interview materials, past or present, anywhere except for the UTS website, available to all. The entrance tests are intended to assess the applicant’s readiness for and potential to thrive in the UTS program. While the test should assess the knowledge and skills accumulated over years of schooling, we acknowledge the role that preparation plays in helping applicants to write with confidence on test day.



    My child has an Individual Education Plan. Can they apply for UTS?

    Yes! We invite you to contact us at [email protected] so we can better understand your child’s learning needs and tell you more about student support at UTS.

    My child is currently studying in another country, but they are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Can they apply for UTS?

    Yes! If accepted, the child must live in the GTA with a parent or legal guardian by the time school begins. We invite you to contact us at [email protected] so we can better understand your situation and how to best support your application to UTS.

    Does my child need to be in the gifted program or reach ahead credits to apply to UTS?

    No. We welcome students from all types of schools and programs to apply. UTS offers enriched programming that is designed for students coming from gifted and non-gifted programs together, with course acceleration at every grade level. Students do not need reach ahead credits to apply to UTS.

    Does my child need to write the SSAT to apply to UTS?

    No.  SSAT scores are no longer accepted. All applicants must write the UTS Entrance Test. 

    Does UTS offer entrance scholarships?

    No. UTS offers needs-based bursaries to support students who have been offered admissions to UTS. Please visit our Tuition and Bursary page for information about applications and deadlines.

    Start your application here


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      * indicates required



      UTS Admissions Policy
      • University of Toronto Schools strives to ensure the best match between student candidates and the school’s vision and mission.
      • Admission decisions are based on the information gathered through the application process and an assessment of the student’s fit in relation to the school program and his or her cohort.
      • UTS requires all relevant documentation and information that will help the school to understand comprehensively each candidate’s individual learning needs in relation to the school’s unique program and resources.
      • UTS respects the confidential nature of applicant information through its practices of gathering, considering, and maintaining data.
      • Applicants at each respective grade will complete a common process.
      • UTS follows a clear set of timelines through the application and enrollment process. The school respects the needs of students and families through the application and enrollment process and is clear about the timeframe for acceptance of an enrollment offer.
      • In discussing UTS and making comparisons with other schools, the Head of Admissions and Admissions Officer will apply a fair set of same standards of integrity, whether talking about their own school or making comparisons with other institutions.
      • UTS requires all students to pay a deposit.
      • All new students must pay an enrollment fee.
      • UTS recognizes that currently-enrolled students may wish to consider other educational options and will strive to provide appropriate support in that process.
      • Applicants must be legal residents of Canada (citizen or permanent resident) and live with a parent or legal guardian (documentation required if living with a legal guardian).
      • UTS does not accept appeals for any admission decision.
      • UTS is committed to providing services to our students that are free of barriers and biases, and strives to ensure that key principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity are reflected and valued in our learning environment.
      • Further, we are committed to giving students with disabilities the same opportunity of access to our services in the same location and in a similar way as these services are available to other students we serve.

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